National Democratic Revolution, Part 3
Monument, Moscow
National-Scale Democracy
We have founded this study of the National Democratic
Revolution (NDR) on the practical necessity, as well as the historical fact, of
class alliance, and most pointedly on Lenin’s report to the 2CCI on 26 July
1920, on the National and Colonial Question.
A class alliance, or in other words a popular front, or a
unity-in-action, was always necessary for the defeat of colonialism. Such class
alliances were successfully put together in many countries,
including South Africa, as the tactical road to strategic political
Such an alliance is what is broadly known as a National
Liberation Movement. What the movement is supposed to do is called the National
Democratic Revolution. As much as it was nationalist, the anti-colonial
liberation movement was equally international in character. The Worker-Peasant
Alliance (hammer and sickle) is not just a Russian thing. It is universal.
The NDR’s international dimension is solidarity with the
National Liberation struggles of others, in the common fight against
Expansion of
The National Democratic Revolution’s national dimension was
the enlargement of democracy. This the Imperialists invariably opposed with
divide-and-rule schemes of provincial federation, regionalism, “Balkanisation” et cetera. Hence the continuing struggle
against Provincialism, and the on-going defence of Provincialism by the
reactionary remnants in our country, South Africa, today.
We now need to look specifically at the expansion of
democracy to the national level. Why? Because, for revolutionary purposes, the
entire working class, and the entirety of the allied classes, must unite all of
their potential support, in numerical, and in territorial terms. This is a
practical necessity, if the liberation forces are to defeat the
well-concentrated class enemy, which is the monopoly and Imperialist-allied
The battle to spread democracy to the farthest corners of
the country, and to the whole population in terms of class, race and gender, is
also the battle against regional and ethnic chauvinism. This effort aims to
create a centralised parliamentary democracy, or democratic republic, even if,
as Lenin pointed out in the report to the 2CCI, such a democratic republic can
only be bourgeois in nature - at first.
The structure of parliamentary democracy (i.e. the
democratic republic) is the organising scheme within which the polity at the
national scale is conceived and arranged. It is not sufficient in itself. It is
a shell that must be populated with organised elements, elements which must
also be extended to the national scale, just as much as the parliamentary
franchise is.
Among these organised elements are:
- The mass movement of national
- The vanguard party of the
working class
- The national (industrial) trade
unions and their national centre
- Class-conscious national media
of communication
- Many mass organisations at the
national level, including Womens’ and Youth organisations.
Communists can be found organising, educating and
mobilising, as is their duty according to the SACP Constitution, in all of
these areas, and this has been the case throughout the 90 years of the Party’s
life. The texts that are collected together in the linked document below
clearly demonstrate that the communists, even before the formation of the
Party, were concerned with the extension of organisation to all parts of the
Early years of the Communist Party of South
Africa and the ANC
The attached document, which is itself a compilation, shows
that one predominately-white precursor of the Party was acutely aware that its
own aspirations could not be fulfilled unless the Black Proletariat was
mobilised to take the lead in the struggle. This was the International
Socialist League. It, like Lenin, had opposed the Imperialist war that broke
out in 1914. It was later to become a component part of the Communist Party of
South Africa (CPSA) on its formation in 1921. “No Labour Movement without the
Black Proletariat,” it said.
After its 1921 formation, the Party quickly became
predominantly black in membership, and the black cadres soon exercised a
leading role in mass organisations, of which the biggest, in the 1920s, was the
Industrial and Commercial Workers’ Union (ICU), formed in 1919. Note that the (white) Labour Party had been
formed in 1908, and the African National Congress in 1912.
The expulsion of communists from the ICU, and in particular
of J.A. (Jimmy) La Guma, ICU General
Secretary; E.J. Khaile, ICU
Financial Secretary and John Gomas,
Cape Provincial Secretary, was a set-back for the working class and as it
turned out, it was fatal for the ICU. This episode is also recorded in the attached
In 1927 Josia Gumede
was elected ANC President and he travelled to meet the top leadership of the
Soviet Union. That year was the tenth anniversary of the Russian revolution. He
travelled with Jimmy La Guma, a member of the party, secretary of an ANC branch
in Cape Town and a recently-expelled leader of the Industrial and
Commercial Workers Union (ICU). La Guma was expelled by the ICU together with
E.J Khaile for being communists. In that very same year Khaile was elected
Secretary-General of the ANC at its national conference in 1927.
The CPSA and the ANC drew closer together, though not
without problems. But the alliance was endorsed by the Sixth Comintern Congress
in the famous “Black Republic Thesis”
resolution, which said among others:
“The Party
should pay particular attention to the embryonic national organisations among
the natives, such as the African
National Congress. The Party, while retaining its full independence, should
participate in these organisations, should seek to broaden and extend their
“In the
field of trade union work the Party must consider that its main task consists
in the organisation of the native workers into trade unions as well as
propaganda and work for the setting up of a South African trade union centre
embracing black and white workers.
“The Communist Party cannot confine
itself to the general slogan of ‘Let there be no whites and no
blacks'. The Communist Party must understand the revolutionary importance of
the national and agrarian questions.
“A correct
formulation of this task and intensive propagation of the chief slogan of
a native republic will result not in the alienation of the
white workers from the Communist Party, not in segregation of the natives, but,
on the contrary, in the building up of a solid united front of all toilers
against capitalism and imperialism.”
In the attached document, the Comintern resolution is
followed by the famous Cradock Letter
written by Moses Kotane in 1934, five years before he became General Secretary
of the Party. It called for the “Africanisation or Afrikanisation” of the CPSA,
something that had clearly not yet fully taken place in 1934, five years after
the adoption of the “Black Republic Thesis”.
The story
continues in the next instalment.