09 May 2014

Co-operatives and Companies

Induction, Part 4c

Co-operatives and Companies

The attached text was written for this course. It describes joint-stock limited companies, and co-operatives, comparing them to each other. It mentions other, preceding and on-going forms of business institution such as Sole Trader and partnership.

From the strict point of view of Induction, it is our purpose in this course to understand the structure of institutions, and the relations between such institutions.

The above cartoon indicates that co-ops do not escape from the conflict of interest between investors, and users, and workers. They do provide a framework within which the outcome of this conflict can be negotiated.

Now that we have seen some of the organising principles of institutions, we will proceed in the next part to consider some of the detailed means and techniques by which all business institutions do their work.

·        The above is to introduce an original reading-text: Co‐operatives and Companies, Tweedie, 2013.